Mediateca - CCH Naucalpan
Juanito Teaches English
Episode 7 - Communication in the Classroom
After watching the video, choose the correct answer according to the image:
1. What's happening here?
Listen to the teacher.
Listen to the CD.
2. What's happening here?
Open your book to page 7.
Bring out your book.
Read the paragraph.
3. What's happening here?
4. What's happening here?
Put away your book.
Take out your notebook.
Write down your name.
5. What's happening here?
Put away your notebook.
Write down your name.
Take out your notebook.
6. What's happening here?
Work in pairs.
Work in groups.
Be quiet.
7. What's happening here?
Pay attention.
Be quiet.
Come to the front.
8. What's happening here?
Work in pairs.
Sit down.
Say your name.